The Republic of Panama, through the Directorate of Industrial Property, of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, provides the facility to register trademarks and patents.

Any company that wishes to commercialize its products or services in the Republic of Panama should consider registering the related brands, as well as its Patents so that they can protect their rights as owners of said IP.

The first step in registering your trademark will be to ensure that the trademark is registered and also that it does not infringe any prior Intellectual Property rights. It is essential to highlight that the line that divides inspiration and plagiarism is very thin; however, that small difference can be and will be noticed by other rights holders.

On the other hand, through our partner Law Firm, we provide the protection service of your intellectual property through criminal and commercial legal actions, as we have licensed professionals with sufficient experience to fully and successfully finalize the job.

It should be noted that we have a network of partners that allows us to register your trademark or patent in practically all the countries of the American Continent, from Canada to Argentina, all controlled and managed efficiently from our main offices in Panama City.

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